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I also offer an online-correspondence synthesis* course as part of the Brighde-Brigantia teachings, which is the equivalent of the 1st year in-person teaching in Glastonbury.
This online training offers:
Nine seasonal modules (including visualisations and video materials) covering each Pagan season and how Brighde's energy of that season relates to you personally.
A developing workbook containing information and stories about Brighde
and Her Wheel of the Year as well as practices and experiential offerings, ceremonial work and meaningful creativity.
Written feedback on the work you send in according the schedule.
A 60 minute ZOOM webinar (teaching/sharing/discussion) at the end of each season with Marion.
Teach-na- Brighde (the house of Brighde), an online (Facebook) sharing platform to connect with your circle.
*The opportunity to join the in-person training weekends in Glastonbury-Avalon for just £75 extra per weekend (see more on the application form)
The opportunity to dedicate yourself as Daughter/Son of Brighde.
The opportunity to continue on from this first year to a hands-on second year(in-person in Glastonbury) if you want to become a Priestess or Priest of Brighde *).
Through this correspondence course you will develop a deep connection with Brighde by learning how the energy of Brighde both as Goddess and Saint Goddess can work in your own everyday life.
By journeying through all eight seasons, you will be experiencing Her energy by learning about Her myths and legends and by working through creative, meditative and other inspiring modules.
You will be working with Her four Elements, Fire, Water, Earth and Air and will get a better understanding of how Her Wheel influences our lives, as you will meet Her Archetypes
as Healing Maiden, Empowering Lover, Loving Mother and Wise old Crone.
*) If you choose to flow into the second year, you will have to attend the 'Bridge weekend' (ad £150)
in Glastonbury. This weekend is for all the online trainees, but is only mandatory if you want to continue into he 2nd year circle training to become a Priest/ess of Brighde.
The course will start in February each year
£450 including material
For more information please click on the leaflet below
or contact me:
Click on the leaflet for more information:
Online/correspondence – includes more solo working, exploring Brighid’s energy in your own land, sharing the journey with sisters and brothers online. Please find the link to the online/correspondence training here: (unlimited places available)
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